Ik , Nelleke

Ik , Nelleke
gemaakt in Lemmer tijdens de Nazomeren.

Mijn gallery met HSA lo's

Hier mijn gallery met lo's gemaakt met Eileen (HSA) kits Ik ben al jaren Eileen haar member en maak en promoot de lo's gemaakt met haar mooie kits. http://www.ohsnapletsscrap.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=14

Mijn OSLS forum gallery

Mijn Facebook link

mijn scrap lo's.op Pinterest.

Mijn Pinterest https://nl.pinterest.com/nellekewissingk/ hier al mijn lo's in Pinterest

zondag 2 maart 2025

March.2025-Mask-Irisch Setter


Thanks for the mask Eileen, here is my March.2025-Mask-Irisch Setter -elem.-Feb.2025-HSA_PuzzletomyHeart-Maart 2025-HSA_LuckyClover -papers-Feb.2025-HSA_PuzzletomyHeart-Maart 2025-HSA_LuckyClover -font-Engraver -Irish Setter dog , pict. free, made by Dann Aragrim via Pixabay

zaterdag 15 februari 2025

Mijn Digital Scrapbooking lo's in Jan - Feb -2025



Feb.2025 - Sweet moment
pict-1-my own
My mom,her 2 sisters and parents
font-askerville Old Face


Feb.2025-My parents married
pict.my own
font-Coccinel Serial Black
My parents married Nov.15-1951 in our village Lemmer, mom was almost 20, dad 21
kit-Lori Fortini -Booked

Feb.2025-All after a wedding
Colors - red, pink, beige, black
my mom, baukje, cor & jan after a wedding
Here my Feb.2025-All after a wedding
pict-1- my own
font-Britannic Bold
My mom, Baukje,Cor & Jan after a wedding

Feb.2025-All brothers & sisters
red, yellow, lime green, light pink, white, black
in the back - cor - jan - baukje - in the front -rolf - aukje with tineke - nelleke with jeannette - april 1965 lemmer
wordart from the kit-Arial
In the back - Cor - Jan - Baukje -
in the front -Rolf - Aukje with Tineke -
Nelleke with Jeannette - April 1965 Lemmer

Feb.2025-My parents married
pict.my own
font-Coccinel Serial Black
My parents married Nov.15-1951 in our village Lemmer, mom was almost 20, dad 21
kit-Lori Fortini -Booked

Feb.2025-My parents in Love-1950
Colors-light pink, dark pink
my own about my parents in love 1960, they bin married for almost 70 years long.
Feb.2025-My parents in Love.
font-Baskerville Old Face-Arial Rounded
pict - 1 - my own about my parents in love 1960, they bin married for almost 70 years long.
colors Pink-Dark Pink

Feb.2025-My dad and aunt Janny
Colors- red, yellow, green, aqua, blue, pink, cream, black, brown
my dad and aunt janny on a schoolpict.
Feb.2025-My dad and aunt Janny
font-Bell MT-Arial Rounded
word art from the kit
colors-Pink-Red-Yellow-Black-Aqua Blue-Brown-Light Green-Creme-

Feb.2025-My twin sisters
Colors- yellow, green, aqua, blue, gray, black, brown
my twin sisters tineke & jeannette on our beach 1970
Feb.2025-My twin sisters
font-Arial Rounded
journaling-My twin sisters Tineke & Jeannette on our beach 1970
pict-1-my own
colors-Brown-Yellow-Aqua Green-Blue-Black-Grey-

Feb.2025-My parents on a truck in 1950.
Colors- blue, pink, white
my parents on a truck in gaasterland, an aria in our province friesland
Feb.2025-My parents on a truck in 1950.
Arial Rounded
pict 1- my own
colors- Blue-Pink-White-
journaling-My parents on a truck in Gaasterland, an aria in our province Friesland

Here is my Feb.2025 - Nerissa feeding the seaguls - kit-color-basics-blue - font-Arial Rounded - pict. my own about Nerissa in Summer vacation - pict 4 - colors -Blue


here my Feb.2025 grandparents , dad's side
font-Arial Rounded
colors-Green-Orange-White-Brown-Creme-Aqua blue
pict-1-my grandparents , dad's side
Cornelis Roelofs Koehoorn - 1873-1957
Pietje Jelles de Boer 1887-1976
I never met my grandfather, he died when I was 7 months old.


Feb.2025-Almost 100 years old each -brothers
My great-great great- grand-father and his brother.
2 brothers ,each almost 100 years old.

Feb.2025-mom's grand parents
Dirk Jans Coehoorn-1868-1913-
Aukje Sjoerds Siegersma 1868-1947
pict. 1 - my own
font-Arial Rounded
Yellow-Blue-White-White-Light Green-Orange-


Here is my Feb.2025-Nerissa -Ice cream
Nerissa on a Summer vacation in 2004 enjoy's her ice-cream in the park
font-Arial Arounded


Here my 
Feb.2025 - My parents on their 60th wedding day
pict.my own.
My parents on their 60 th wedding 
day.Nov.15 - 2011, in 2021 they would have their 70th wedding day but my mom died in Jan.2021,and my dad died in May 2022.
font-Arial Rounded

Here my 
Feb.2025 - Mom on her 65th wedding day
pict.my own.
My mom on her 65 th wedding 
day.Nov.15 - 2011, in 2021 they would have their 70th wedding day but my mom died in Jan.2021,and my dad died in May 2022.
font-Arial Rounded


Here my page - Feb.2025 - My grandparents
pict. my own,about my grandparents from mom's side during the wedding of Aunt An and Uncle Peter on Oct.4 1958 in our village Lemmer.Aunt An was the joungest daughter of them.
font-Baskerville Old Face
kit - ps Spread your wings bundel


Here is my 
Feb.2025- My kids all 9 months old
font-Arial Rounded
kit - SheilaReid_Feb1Blogtrain_BeMine
pict. my own about my kids all 9 months old.
Feb.2025- My kids all 9 months old


Here is my Feb.2025 Winter fun-iglo
pict.my own - font-Arial Rounded
journaling-On top of the Iglo, me-Nelleke, in the front with glasses my brother Jan,and our neigbour boy Cor in Winter 1968, it was a big Winter with lots of snow, that is why we could bild a iglo.pict.my own.


Type of Project
Digital Scrapbook Layout
red, green, blue, pink, white

Here my Feb.2025-My dad & brother Cor
My dad and brother Cor on the dike in Lemmer-1957
font-Abott Old Style-Arial


Here my Feb.2025-My dad and nephew Jan
kit-ps Dear old dad -font-Arial Rounded
School photo of my father on the left and cousin Jan on the right, 1941, the same age but my cousin Jan officially had to say uncle to my father, which they did not do. cousin Jan's mother died young, she was my father his older sister and was left alone with his father, later my father said, from now on you are my brother.. So sweet and beautiful this idea.



Here is my -Jan 2025-My fam.on the dike in Lemmer -pict. my own about my mom with sister Baukje-brothers Cor and Jan, mom was pregnant by me,lol.. -DSBTJan25_
maryc_Fairytale_Elements -LF-Booked
kelleyH.dbk.delight.paint7 journaling-Lemmer 1956 - Mom with Jan, in the front Cor and Baukje.font-Arial Rounded


Type of Project
Digital Scrapbook Layout
aqua, white, black
kit-ps_collaborations color-basics-aqua-
Feb.2025-My parents on the dike with kids
Baukje - Cor & Jan. 1956
font-Baskerville Old Face
kit-ps_collaborations color-basics-aqua-
pict. my own


Feb.2025-My parents married
pict.my own
font-Coccinel Serial Black
My parents married Nov.15-1951 in our village Lemmer, mom was almost 20, dad 21
kit-Lori Fortini -Booked


                My Feb.2025 lo-My parents on school
                                                                           font-Arial Rounded
                                                         pict my own about my parents at school


Here is my 
Jan.2025 Special moment
Pict. my own about:On the left my mom,in the middle my aunt An, on the right my uncle Hidde, Mom and Uncle Hidde has past their live.Aunt An is the only person left and alive of 7 brothers and sisters.kit-sahindesigns-specialday -font-Arial Rounded
I played with the elem. to make pieces of paper, lost the papers from this kit.


Here is my -Jan.2025-My parents -pict.free by myself about my parents in Winter time in Lemmer -font-Arial Rounded -word arts from:DigiDewi_HolidayMagic-Mini-DigiDewi_HolidayMagic-SolidPapers-UnTextured -marisaL gl19 dec enamel tree DSBTJan25_maryc_Fairytale_Flower (2)and a piece of paper-BT-JAN-2025-Alphabets-(Arshia0)


Here is my -Jan 2025-My fam.on the dike in Lemmer -pict. my own about my mom with sister Baukje-brothers Cor and Jan, mom was pregnant by me,lol.. -DSBTJan25_
maryc_Fairytale_Elements -LF-Booked
kelleyH.dbk.delight.paint7 journaling-Lemmer 1956 - Mom with Jan, in the front Cor and Baukje.font-Arial Rounded


Here my page - 
Jan.2025 My mom xxx pict. my mom when she was about 15 years old.
wordart from the kit:Beautiful November Mini Page Kit-(Arshia0) journaling:
My mom. Nov-24-1931-Jan.-3-2021
font- Britannic Bold-Castellar

Jan.2025-Mijn Gingerscraps wedstrijd lo's

                           Jan.2025-Mijn Gingerscraps wedstrijd lo's

All About Me Challenge January by AdrienneSkelton's  Here is my - Jan.2025-All about meI used the loving :GS_AntiqueLove,thanks -pict. my own when I was 9 months old. font-Arial Rounded- Bodoni MT - the A is from the kit.

Thanks for the fun , 
here is my Jan.2025 Bucket list-Loose some weight
I used the BS_CWD_Brandnewday_
font-Arial Rounded

Jan.2025-Winter in my town...
January Buffet Challenge by
Thanks for the fun, Here is my 
Jan.2025-Winter in my town...
Pict.my own about 1 of the last Winters 
we had in Feb.2004.
I used the colour blue from the GS-WinterComing made by:
Connie Prince-Key Lime Digi Design-Lindsay Jane-
Memory Mosaic-
Jan.2025 Christmas fam. time 1962
Thanks for the fun , here is my 
Jan.2025 Christmas fam. time 1962 -
 I used the -December 2024 Challenge Reward: {Ginger Bread Ladies Collab: A Vintage Holiday} pict. my own about my fam.
on the left my dad with my little baby sister Yvonne,
than my brothers Cor,Jan,sister Baukje with sister Aukje, my mom with brother Rolf, and me-Nelleke standing in the middle. Font- Baskerville Old Face
Thanks for the fun , here is my Jan.2025 - School friends - pict.my own about my dad when he was 10 years old in the year 1940,with his nephew Jan , same age.I used the kit-GS_AntiqueLove - made by ADB Designs-Alexis Design Studio-Karen Shulz-TamiMillerDesigns-TheScrappyKat-TinciDesigns  - font-Bodoni MT
Jan.2025 -Our cats Jiggles&Gizmo.
Thanks for the fun,here is my Jan.2025 -Our cats Jiggles&Gizmo.I used the font-Winter Melodies
I used the kit-BS_CozyKnits - pict.my own about our cats Jiggles & Gizmo. Jiggles will be 8 in Sept.Gizmo will be 7 in May.

Jan.2025-daughter Nerissa
Thanks for the fun , here is my Jan.2025-daughter Nerissa
This is my daughter Nerissa who is living with me together after my devorce
in 2017.Together with our cats Jiggles and Gizmo.Nerissa has Autisme..this can be hard sometime ,but most of the time we can deal it great.I used the GS_SimplySpring.Font-Baskerville Old Face.The letter N is from the Alpha-kit.
Me-on Charles Dickens
Thanks for the fun,here is my 
Jan.2025-Me on our Charles Dickens weekend
I used the kit-ldrag_
memoriescaptured-MonthlyMix Friend-ads-acircleoflove
pict-Me as a laundress women during our Charles Dickens weekend
 in Dec 2024 in our village of Lemmer, I have been doing this for 
the 5th year, and I love doing it.

Scrap-Lift Challenge - January 2025 with Alexis Design Studio Thanks for the fun, here is my Jan.2025-Scraplift-Nerissa -pict. my own when my daughyer was almost 6 years old at a school photo.And here is the page I scraplifted-made by avalon4- date-March 31-2012 made with-Created from Studio4 Designworks kit Epic Easter. link gallery-Sweet bundle of Joy 

this I lifted
Epic Easter - Crystal
by avalon4
My daughter's friend - with her gorgeous little girl. Created from Studio4 Designworks kit Epic Easter.

Jan.2024-Memory mix up-Gym Fitness
JANUARY 2025 - Twin Mom Scraps!
Thanks for the fun and kit-
Here is my Jan.2024-Memory mix up-Gym Fitness
pict.free from-WikiImages via Pixabay
wordarts from the kit

Jan.2025-Jumpstart Mini-Willow-tit
Thanks for the fun, here is my lo-Jan.2025-Jumpstart Mini-Willow-tit
here is my pict. free to use from-Willow-tit - Erik Karits via Pixabay
I used your Jumpstart-Designs-MINI-KIT-font-Bell MT

Jan.2025 Happy 36 th birthday Marwin.
Thanks for the fun and mini.kit to play with.
Here is my Jan.2025 Happy 36 th birthday Marwin.I used it for my son Marwin born in Jan.1989,and is now a growing up man ,who turn'd in to be 36 right now...Wow ! Time flies huh ! Pict. my own.
Font- Arial rounded

Jan.2025-Forever in our hearts
Thanks for the fun , Here is my Jan.2025-Forever in our hearts - My parents on their 65 th wedding day , nov.2016, Mom past away Jan.2021. Nov.2021 they could be married for 70th years if my mom was still with us. Dad past away May.2022.Both are forever in our hearts xxx

Jan.2025 Challenge -3 - Through The Lens 
by sucali -Thanks for the fun.
lo-Jan.2025.Trough the lens-Me in Austria 2012 -font-Arial Rounded -Pict.my own made on a vacation in Austria 2012

January 2025 Quote Challenge by CathyK.Thanks for the fun.Here is my Jan.2025-Quote-first step towards
pict. free from Pixabay made by-InspiredImages via Pixabay
font-Bell MT-“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” —J.P. Morgan - kit-Fade to Winter Micro Kit-(aimeeh)

Thanks for the fun, here is my Jan.2025 -Recipe Card-Pumpkin soup
pict.'s free from Pixabay made by Steve Buissinne via Pixabay and 
Bernadette Wurzinger via Pixabay
recipe free from our local AH supermarket

Thanks for the fun, here is my Jan.2025
pict. my own 

Jan.2025-Everyday Memories-Charles Dickens in my village
Jan 2025 Everyday Memories with Miss Fish
Thanks for the fun , Here is my Jan.2025-Everyday Memories-Charles Dickens in my village -made with-ads-circleoflove-
pict. my own about-
I am a figurant for the 5th year in Dec.during our Charles Dickens weekend in Lemmer , for 2 days our little village is a Charles Dickens town...and lots of people will visit us during those 2 days from every where.I was a laundry woman who had to wash and iron the clothes..this is so much fun to do.We have had visitors from 20.00 till 30.000..that's a lot huh ?
font-Baskerville Old Face
Thanks for the fun, here is my 
Jan.2025-Template 1-All me in the pict.
ABC-August 2024 Monograms-(aimeeh)
pict. my own taken in 2024

Thanks for the fun, here is my Jan.2025-
Template 2- Happy birthday Dog
pict. free from Pixabay made by-
 Alexandra_Koch via Pixabay
Bianca Van Dijk via Pixabay
kit-dbh_happy birthday
wordarts from the kit

Thanks for the fun, here is my Jan.2025-Template 3- Me as a Gypsy woman
I used your jconlon-wildandfree-
font-Arial Rounded
pict. my own when I was a Gypsy woman in Dec.2021 in our village during the Charles Dickens weekend.It was so fun playing a Gypsy.

Thanks for the fun , here is my-
I have 1 book For Those I Loved
written by Martin Gray a true story, I still cry by reading what this man happen'd in his life...so sad
I used the Jumpstart_MonthlyChall_2025_01
pict.info free from the net
font-Arial rounded
journaling-Martin Gray--a man who survived the worst of times German invasion of Poland in 1939. Overnight, the teenage Martin and his family were immersed in the horrors of the Holocaust and held captive in the Warsaw Ghetto. It was a nightmare of brutality, starvation, and death. Martin became a clever smuggler to help his family survive--until the "butchers" of Treblinka took his mother and brothers mother and brothers. 
After the war, Martin made his way to New York , when he was 35 he met a loving Dutch woman Dina ,starting a family , got 4  kids...and living in happiness and peace in France. But his world was shattered once again by a forest fire that engulfed his fleeing family. In a tragic repeat of history, Martin alone survived. Martin Gray still lives in the South of France and has devoted his life to his family, writing, human rights, and environmental and cultural causes. He received the United Nations Dag Hammar­skjöld Award and the Gold Medal of European Merit.

Jan.2025 Use It All- Vase
Use It All -2025- January by jullianutrup
thanks for the fun and stuf to use.SCD-MBIM-UIA
Here is my Jan.2025 Use It All- Vase
pict. free to use made by-Liudmyla Nytsyk via Pixabay

In A Word Challenge January 2025
Thanks for the fun, here is my Jan.2025 Word-Growing lo
font-Arial Rounded

Thanks for the fun, here is my - 
Jan.2025-Journaling -A New Start
In Nov.2017 my daughter Nerissa and I-Nelleke start living together after the devorce of a 33 years of mariage. We could not live together no more. The fun part is after we live'd seperate it goes so well..We bin lucky by this, also for our 3 kids.I used my own pict. by the new place.
kit-ads-relaxation - font-Arial Rounded