August 2022
August 2022 Family Is Everything Challenge by Jan

June-July 2022
Here my June -July 2022 lo
Thanks for the fun by the Template Anne-Marie
July 17 -2022 - my Together for ever
Yesterday July 17 we all brought our parents-great parents
to their final place to rest.
In the water in Lemmer , here was the place my father caught his fish ,
long long ago , so he could feed all of us.
Since than we all love eating fish!
They finaly are together for ever. R.I.P. both.
For ever in our hearts !
I used Eileen her HSA_Ice_Flowers , a kit from long ago, thanks Eileen
font- Brianetta - Calibri
pict. my own - and from my sister
shadowed a bit
link image -July 17 -2022 - my Together for ever
link gallery -July 17 -2022 - my Together for ever
June 2022
Thanks for the fun and Template Anne-Marie
Here is my June 2022 Together again
I used your amdesigns_SweetFriendship
And the May from the Template stuf
Pict. my own about my parents
who we loss in 1,5 years of time,
but they are together again for ever and ever.
font - Bradley Hand ITC
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link image -my June 2022 Together again
link gallery -my June 2022 Together again
May 2022
Here is my page made by your loving bonus fb_ThinkSpring gift Fay , thanks.
I used it for Dawn her font challenge.
Thanks for the fonts and fun Dawn.
Here is my : May 2022-Font- ... Still in our heart...
I took this words from : https://foreverinmyheartpoems.com/15-bes...thers-day/
Mom ,You may be gone from my/our sight...
But your never gone from my/our heart.
pict. my own about my parents when they where in Love a long time ago in the early 50th
Mom was 15- dad was 16 when they med, and where married for 69 years long,
mom died in Jan.- 3th - 2021 when she was 88.
kit-ATC bonus gift - fb_ThinkSpring , thanks Fay
Hendyka - Lemmer - Mom ,You may be gone from our sight...
But your never gone from our heart.
Mother’s Day - May 2022 - 1946
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link image -May 2022-Font- ... Still in our heart...
link gallery -May 2022-Font- ... Still in our heart...

Here is my - May/ June 2022 Together again
link image -my June 2022 Together again
April , Here is my April 2022 - Easter Bunny Marwin.
freebie kit -Easter Smiles by Kay Miller Designs ,thanks
font-Arial CE
pict. about my son Marwin.
Journaling :
April 17-18 - 2022
Easter days.
My son Marwin is a Easter Bunny , at his work with
older people and Dementie patients.
They all love Marwin a lot.
He is the perfect person for this job !
link image -my April 2022 - Easter Bunny Marwin.
A = for Almer
B = for Baukje
C = for Cats
D = for Dirk
F = for Fiets
I = for Iron
K = for Krimselpass
L = for Love
M = for Mountain
N = for Nephew
O = for Opa
Q = for Quinn
R = Raam
sad I could not open your templates So I made my own..lol..
I used Eileen her loving new kit- March 2020 HSA Spring Arrival
not in store yet
I also used my own pict. about my olderst son Almer
The perfect one for the ABC by A = for my son Almer
He was and is still so cute and sweet and handsome, great sence of humor to.
font- Arial and Cathedral Open
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Here is my April 2020 B = Backing - a owl cake.
Pict. my own about Nerissa backing a loving Owl cake- Dec.2013.
Is he not pretty?
kit-Home Cooked Meal by LLiella Designs , thanks
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Here is my June 2020 D = Dad lo
Some loving old pict. got them from a nephew, I love them,
my dad was a handsome man ( is stil ..lol.. )
I used - the loving freebie Fathers day made by Kristal Kreations , thanks
font-Bell MT
pict. my own
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pict. my own , not the best ,
but we can see who is on it huh ?
on the left from mother's site ,
on the right from my father.
This grandfather I never knew , he died when I was 6 months old.
On the left grandfather I know he
could play very well on his Accardeon , and was a sweet man,
he died when I was 7...1 day after my twin sisters bin born.
on March 30 1965, my father told it him,
my grandfather was very ill, had cancer.
font-Bell MT
kit- a loving freebie made by Sweet Shoppe Designs - Aren't they grand ?
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